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Homemade Christmas decorations inspiration

Would you like to create your own Christmas decorations? Here are instructions for organic decorations made of cornstarch and baking soda. The whole procedure is simple and suitable for kids.

For making the decorations your will need the following:

  • baking soda
  • cornstarch
  • water
  • food coloring (if you don’t want to color them later)
  • baking paper
  • stretch foil (in case you need to keep the dough until the next day)

You will also need:

  • measuring container or small cup
  • non-stick pan or pot
  • roller
  • cutters
  • stamps from Rélyéf

In a pan, mix 2 parts baking soda and 1 part cornstarch. Add 1 part of water, in which you can dissolve the food coloring, if you want the decorations to be colored.

Start to heat the mixture. At first it will be quite stiff, but then it will start to liquefy and cook. After boiling for about half a minute, the mass will begin to clump together until it forms a small ball. Roll in the pan for a while and then take it off the heat. Allow the mass to cool slightly so that you don’t get burned.

Note: If you want to store the substance until the next day, wrap it in the stretch foil so that it does not harden.

Roll out the material into 4 mm thickness (if the thickness was smaller unwanted cracking or twisting could occur during hardening). When it’s properly prepared, it shouldn't stick to the roller. Cut out ornaments of any shape, put them on baking paper and decorate with Rélyéf stamps.

Snowflakes stamps 15 and 30 mm

Alphabet stamps 6 mm

Let the decorations harden on the baking paper until the next day.

The next day you can already use the decorations for further creation or you can paint them with oil colors. Do not dip the brush in water, and if you need to clean it, dry it on a napkin before using it on the decorations, because they dissolve in water.

So here you go, you’re done! :-)

You can make a hole in the decorations and hang them on a tree, you can make original name tags for Christmas presents or you can stick them on Advent wreaths with a hot air will definitely come up with a lot more ideas.

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